May 19Liked by Jo Christian (they/them)

“If you are already on the other side of deconstruction, I wonder: 

“How do you view your own deconstruction now? In what ways might have it been good for you to go through? 

Another way to ask this, maybe, what did you gain from the process?”

From the “other side,” I would say it is the greatest thing that ever happened to my seeker self.

In effect, rejecting God was the key to finding God.

What I “gained” is what’s called “awakening” in various circles, and is what I think Jesus references as the “kingdom of Heaven/God”.

It is both better than advertised, and utterly overblown. I truly believe that anyone who seeks finds. Full stop. So, in one sense you can’t not get there, and in another sense, you are already there. 🙏

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I love what you are sharing, here, particularly the sense of paradox you are describing. Yes, it is in rejecting any sense of the divine, we find it everywhere.

How wonderful. I am so glad you shared.

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